Beormund Primary School

Home School Liaison

Home School Liaison – 

Hello, my name is Linda Tawiah I am the Home School Liaison Officer. I have worked in education for 15 years and during this time I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing families and their children. My aim is to provide a positive link between home/school and try my best to make time to assist you with anything you may need my support in.

I believe that the more we work together the more opportunities the children have to be the best versions of themselves. I am really excited to be a part of Beormund and I am looking forward to getting to know each and everyone one of you. I work Monday to Friday so please feel free to come in and see me. I hope we are able to develop a safe space where you feel comfortable enough to discuss anything that you feel may impact on your child having a good day, earning lots of shillings and being in the right mindset to learn.

In doing so, sometimes you may feel judged or may even hold back information that makes you feel uncomfortable but in working together our ultimate aim is to prioritise the children and make sure their health and safety is always put first.

Coffee Mornings are a chance to meet other parents and carers over a cup of coffee (or tea) and to interact with myself or other key members of the school team. It’s a chance to talk, to learn, to laugh and to make connections and sometimes friendships.


Often when your child has been excluded from their mainstream school, you have also felt excluded too. Coffee Mornings are a chance to meet people who also have children with SEND and may have experienced similar journeys. Sometimes Coffee Mornings have themes. Sometimes we will have visitors from different schools, the Local Authority, SIAS and others we may wish to invite. We value your ideas when planning for Coffee Mornings. Your voice is important.  


Coffee Mornings take place on the last Friday of every month. Please check out the dates in our school newsletter.


NOTE: Coffee Mornings are only one small part of our Parenting Programme here at Beormund. If you are not yet ready to meet up with new people and take part in group activities, then why not ask for a ‘walk and talk’. Walk and talk are a 1:1 option for anyone who needs a listening ear, a critical friend or just a bit of company. Coffees are available too.

As part of our admissions process and in line with our personalised approach, we visit families in their own home. Home visits aim to ease the transition for your children between their previous educational setting and us here at Beormund. They also allow us to gain a holistic view of the child’s needs and how we as a school can best support them, and who better to help us than the people that know them best.


It is also an opportunity to introduce the family to key members of staff at our school. In doing so we can begin to promote a positive and supportive partnership between home and school. This can have significant positive effects in how your child values themselves and those around them.

Southwark CAMHS Crisis Service – SLAM

Local Offer – Southwark Information and Advice Service – Local Offer – SIAS

Southwark Young Advisors – Southwark Young Advisors

Anna Freud centre – Anna Freud Resources

Young Minds Mental Health charity – Young Minds