Beormund Primary School


For some children the route back into mainstream is aspirational and the right path for them. At Beormund, we duly support each individual child.  Whilst monitoring their social, emotional and academic behaviours, using our Readiness to Reintegration document we acknowledge children who would benefit from learning alongside their mainstream peers. We work hard to build up productive relationships with some of our successful, neighbouring mainstream schools to provide bespoke experiences for different children depending on their individual needs.

Our children attend different mainstream schools, often supported by an experienced Learning Mentor for varying lengths of times, all with personalised degrees of success. Our mainstream partners speak positively of the experiences of children attending their schools.

We are always looking to build reciprocal relationships with mainstream colleagues who are open and welcoming to provide empowering, enriched experiences for our deserving young children. We strive to give them opportunities to strengthen their life chances. Please do get in touch if you’d like to be one of those schools.

Chanaye- Frias

What did you enjoy most?

Dance class

What did you fear most?

I wasn’t scared of anything

What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?

I think I’m a bit more confident and have made new friends

How did the adults support you at mainstream?

They helped me get used to a mainstream setting

What was your favourite subject?


Would you recommend mainstream experience to others?

I think so they will need encouragement

What advice would you give to anyone considering going to mainstream?

I’d tell them to be good and listen to what the teacher says

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Sam- St Josephs

What did you enjoy most?​

Making new friends and learning new things

What did you fear most?

I didn’t really fear anything but I was a bit nervous about meeting new people

What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?

That I could push myself further than I thought I could and that I can do my work faster.

How did the adults support you at mainstream?

They showed me where things were in class and helped me with my work. Sometimes a teacher would take me out of class to help me catch up if I didn’t know what they were doing.

Would you recommend mainstream experience to others?


Best subject? Why?

Maths, because even thought I struggled with learning new things it felt good when I worked out the answers.

What advice would you give to anyone considering going to mainstream?

​It’s ok to be nervous but you’ll have a good time

Jahmari- Surrey Square

What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?

I learnt I am good at a lot of things and I can make friends quickly

What did you enjoy most?​

You can make friends more easily

What did you fear most?

That I could get into a fight because I’ve already been kicked out of two schools

How did the adults support you at mainstream?

Help with my work, I like having 1 to 1 adult support

Would you recommend mainstream experience to others?

Yes, definitely, it can help you get into a good school

What advice would you give to anyone considering going to mainstream?​

Just do your best

K. 2017-2020 Surrey Square

What are the highs about going to mainstream?
P.E. They have a good football cage.
What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?
That I can learn how to speak French.
How did the adults support you at mainstream?
They help me with my work..
What advice would you give to anyone considering going to mainstream?
Don’t’ be nervous, there’s a lot of people that will help you. Make the right choice.

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Denzel. 2017-2019 St Josephs

At 12:20 me and Nick head off to St Josephs school where I meet up with my classmates at lunchtime play. I enjoy lunchtimes because the food is delicious and the games outside are really fun. After lunchtime I go and meet my teacher Ms R where we have been learning a lot about science. My favourite lesson was when we were making the detergent tablets go bang!
In the run up to Easter the whole school were performing liturgies where we were singing songs and giving thanks. I really like my mainstream school because they make me feel really welcome and they are kind to me.

Charles Dickens Primary School

Abdullah - 2015-2017 Charles Dickens

What are the highs about going to mainstream?
I felt like I belonged there.
What did you fear most?
That it was a big school.
What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?
That I have the potential to succeed.
How did the adults support you at mainstream?
Gave me space to make friends but then helped me when I needed it.
Would you recommend mainstream experience to others?
Yes because it prepares you for secondary.

Davarnie- 2017-2017 Charlotte Sharman

What are the highs about going to mainstream?
I felt like I belonged there.
What did you fear most?
That it was a big school.
What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?
That I have the potential to succeed.
How did the adults support you at mainstream?
Gave me space to make friends but then helped me when I needed it.
Would you recommend mainstream experience to others?
Yes because it prepares you for secondary.

Deshaun 2015-2017 Surrey Square

What are the highs about going to mainstream?
Making new friends and playing football with them. Experiencing different lessons and going on fun trips with my class. Going camping and staying in a tent.
What did you enjoy most?
Going camping with the class. Meeting a bigger community and having different children in my class (including girls in my class).
What did you learn about yourself when going to mainstream?
I am smarter than I thought I was and I can make friends.
Would you recommend mainstream experience to others? And why?
Yes I would beacause you have a fun time, meet new people and you get a better chance of getting into a mainstream secondary

Ethan 2013-2016 Oliver Goldsmith

“I have been attending Oliver Goldsmiths Primary School for 3 years now. I started in year 4 and I am now in year 6. Mainstream has helped me gain experience for secondary school and I now understand what I have to do to achieve my goals.
I like going to mainstream because I always get support when I’m stuck and sometimes I get help with my work at Beormund. I’ve made a lot of new friend’s at mainstream and it’s all because of the teachers at Beormund, supporting me with my work through hard times and also great times.
Mainstream has helped me to improve my behaviour during hard times, it was not easy to go to two schools at once but Miss Nichola took me half a day but gradually I started going two whole day by myself.
The teachers at both Oliver Goldsmiths and Beormund are great and without them I wouldn’t be where I am now.”